Schools directory

YTT registered yoga schools

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Please note: if you're already registered and your details are not listed, please bear with us while we develop this part of the website. If you're the head of a YTT-registered yoga school wishing to update your profile on this page, you will receive information about how to do this in the new year.

Creative Calm Yoga Studio

Manchester - Yoga School

Creative Calm Yoga Academy teacher training encompasses yoga practices that can be woven into your own personal practice. Our course runs for 18 months so you have chance to have a deep dive into the topics, allowing for embodiment of what you teach.
You also still have downtime on a Sunday too!

The course is on Fridays 6-9pm and Saturdays 10-5pm. There is an option to zoom on Friday’s if this makes the course accessible to you.

Our next course starts on Friday 22 March 2024 and runs to Saturday 19 July 2025. Please see our website for all of the dates.

We offer a monthly road map that at the heart of it are the yogic teachings of Ahimsa (the art of kindness, compassion and non-harming) Satya (the art of honesty and truthfulness) and Svadhyaya (the art of self-study and personal growth)
We weave in Somatics to enable the Yoga to be embodied. Not so much as ‘Yoga Journal Cover’ but ‘how does this feel for you’.

The course covers Hatha Yoga, embodied anatomy, bio-mechanics, philosophy, teaching skills, business skills and so much more.

We look to find ways to bring the teachings and topics to life, so you can enjoy learning in a style that suits you.
This training respectfully honours the rich history of yoga whilst adapting it for the modern life.

Karen Hadgett will be your main teacher and for most of the course, she will have either Justine Boardman or an assistant with her so that you get to hear more than one person’s style of how to teach and hear their own experiences as both teachers and their own personal practises.

Karen will be bringing her knowledge of embodied anatomy, yoga, somatics & bio-mechanics. She will integrate other elements of yoga, including mantra, mudra and pranayama all neatly woven in with yoga philosophy. This will give you a rounded practise and enable you to teach with confidence & creativity.

Your investment is £2950. An initial £500 deposit will secure your place (non-refundable) the remainder of the course fee – £2450 is available to pay monthly by standing order (monthly payments of £255 for 10 months include an admin fee).

Who Can Apply?

We ask that you have been regularly practising yoga for 2 years, so that you feel you have a good ground-base to begin your training.

We accept applications from anyone with an interest in either developing their own yoga practise or wishing to train to be a qualified yoga teacher.

If you are getting a good feeling about us, can commit to most of the dates, please get in touch for an application form.
We look forward to hearing from you!!
 [email protected]