Schools directory

YTT registered yoga schools

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If you're unable to find a school in your area, then please get in touch below. If you wish to register to join this directory, then please follow the link below.

Please note: if you're already registered and your details are not listed, please bear with us while we develop this part of the website. If you're the head of a YTT-registered yoga school wishing to update your profile on this page, you will receive information about how to do this in the new year.

Yoga Clinic Bedford

Bedfordshire - Training School

This teacher training emphasises yoga and mindful movement as tools for self-inquiry into individual health and well-being. The training enables graduate teachers to lead yoga and mindful movement sessions that aim to help clients explore, understand and develop..
..their health and well-being through movement, physical practice and meditation. The course is only available to students enrolled in performing arts programmes at the University of Bedfordshire. The course enables students to integrate knowledge from their dance, performance and somatic practice training that forms part of their broader degree programmes into the teaching of yoga. Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, of the Krishnamacharya lineage from Mysore, India, offers the foundation and structure for yoga learning.
We believe that yoga is for everyone and that yoga can have a beneficial impact on individual and community life. Therefore, our programme is designed to teach you how to make yoga accessible to all, regardless of age, background or health conditions. Self-practice is emphasised as a foundation for teaching and development as a yoga leader in the community. An effective teacher is sensitive to the student and uses the tools of yoga available to help the student develop on the yoga path.
 [email protected]