Schools directory

YTT registered yoga schools

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Please note: if you're already registered and your details are not listed, please bear with us while we develop this part of the website. If you're the head of a YTT-registered yoga school wishing to update your profile on this page, you will receive information about how to do this in the new year.

Devon School of Yoga

Devon - Training School

The Devon School of Yoga teaches a holistic approach to yoga. It brings together classes, workshops, retreat and training courses under one umbrella covering all aspects of yoga.
For over 30 years we’ve been encouraging students to explore a broad spectrum of yoga practices, philosophies and disciplines enabling students to find their own unique path of personal practice. The Devon School of Yoga teaches a holistic programme of yoga. As well as coming from a diverse base, its core practices are based on the Dr. Pillai system of Kriyas, Pranayama and Meditation. Its spiritual energy source comes through Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa (of Kerala, India). Our school embraces everyone who wants to explore a life with yoga and develop their knowledge and experience of this inspiring subject.

- Yoga Foundation Courses
- Yoga Teacher Training Courses
- Yoga Therapy Courses
- Pre and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Courses
- Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Courses

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience happiness and good health. The holistic approach to yoga offers a means by which this is achievable through regular practice, study and self-reflection. In a holistic yoga practice, as well as learning the asanas (postures), students will also be taught about pranayama (breathing techniques), kriyas (purification exercises), dhyana (meditation), savasana & nidra (deep relaxation) and also yogic philosophy and lifestyle guidance including sattvic (balanced) dietary suggestions.

This approach to yoga is accessible to everyone regardless of age, race, culture, religion, gender, flexibility, fitness or previous yoga experience. The practice is non-competitive and fosters self-awareness, self-reflection, self-reliance and independence which encourages responsibility for developing health and happiness.

Holistic yoga draws inspiration from a range of yoga paths and traditions and students are encouraged to explore a broad spectrum of practices.

Holistic yoga is a way of life that can be experienced by anyone with the intention to experience balance within every aspect of their being, leading to an integrated experience of wholeness and oneness consciousness.
 [email protected]