Schools directory

YTT registered yoga schools

Search by name or region (entering county). If you're searching for schools based in the London area, simply type 'London'. For international searches, enter the name of the country and region.

If you're unable to find a school in your area, then please get in touch below. If you wish to register to join this directory, then please follow the link below.

Please note: if you're already registered and your details are not listed, please bear with us while we develop this part of the website. If you're the head of a YTT-registered yoga school wishing to update your profile on this page, you will receive information about how to do this in the new year.

Feel Now Yoga

Lancashire, Cumbria - Training School

Our name is a reminder that we often ignore how we currently feel for the sake of a future that might not happen or a past that is long gone. Feel Now Yoga invites us to tune into, reflect upon & trust our own feelings & common sense.
At the heart of Feel Now Yoga lies a sensible, functional & principled system of yoga that honours the spirit of the Yoga Sutras whilst embracing forward thinking teaching & learning philosophies and scientific theory to meet the current needs of each individual's body & mind. Feel Now Yoga uses yoga practices as lenses through which to observe the nature of self & reclaim a sensible, balanced, harmonious & honest dialogue between body, mind & consciousness.
 [email protected]