Teachers directory

Registered yoga teachers and yoga elders

Search by name or region (entering county). If you're searching for members based in the London area, simply type 'London'. For international searches, enter the name of the country and region.

If you're unable to find a teacher or elder in your area, then please get in touch below. If you wish to register to join this directory, then please follow the link below.

Please note: if you're already registered and your details are not listed, please bear with us while we develop this part of the website. If you're a YTT teacher wishing to update your profile on this page, you will receive information about how to do this soon.

Jess Glenny

London - Yoga Elder

I am a movement teacher, facilitator, therapist, and writer about the moving body. I am based in south-east London and also work online. I am Autistic and welcome neurodivergent people to my movement spaces.
​Moving body practices are ways of putting all of ourselves into motion. Through moving and witnessing, we create opportunities for what our body knows (but our mind may not yet be conscious of) to surface into awareness. By being present with ourselves in this fluid way, we are able to become gradually more aligned with our experience in each moment, and so live with increasing spontaneity, fulness and meaning. These practices are an invitation into the unexplored spaces of ourselves, a practical tool for living, a mystical path, a way to play.
 [email protected]